David & Goliath

How are your tiny mustard seeds? Are they sprouting yet? Ms. Josie told the wonderful story of the parable, and Dr. Deanna helped us see what is possible with growing seeds. Who knows? We may have mustard greens for our salads soon!

This Sunday, we’ll look at the story of David & Goliath and ponder what kind of courage we need to do hard things. We’re leaving out the gory part except for the Jesus Jaguars (4th & 5th graders) who always read straight out of the Bible!! It should be great fun.

A couple of things to know:
1. Loft parents, please bring your Jesus Jaguars at least by 10:10 each Sunday as Ms. Ruth is teaching puppeteering again this summer. Hooray!
2. Scott Weatherford, a “teacher of teachers,” will be working with our team this Sunday to better be prepared for emergencies. I’m so thankful to have this wise help for us!

Pastor Diana