Fall Festival 2023 Schedule for Kids

🍁FALL FESTIVAL this Sunday!
10:00 Loft for Children’s Time
10:20 for choir & music experiences
10:30 for story from Exodus 33, guided meditation
10:50 for classroom discussions, write God Poems and make Glory of God tiny tiles
11:20 for the “carnival” in the play yard
11:45 parents pick up kids in play yard and enjoy the chili cook-off together.

🍂 LAST SUNDAY we talked about
🐶 Bringing small toys for refugee children
🙏🏽 How to pray for troubled places like Israel/Palestine
🐮 And the story of impatience with Moses who took too long with God, which led to the Golden Calf

Please bring toys for us to take to the Echo Park Immigration Center:
1. Small, new or like-new stuffies that are easy for a child to take with them
2. Play dough pots, coloring books and crayons/markers or other simple art supplies, dolls, building blocks, and toy cars and trucks
3. Baby toys
4. Toys for older kids: diverse dolls, building blocks, small backgammon or Chinese checker sets, etc.
5. Also needed: sanitary items and diapers

Pastor Diana