Gifts from God

We played balloon volleyball last Sunday. As you can see, some of the kids were confined to chairs. What a glorious moment when the kids realized that the best way to play was to bat the balloon to them so they got a chance to enter in. Our time together was precious as we learned about how different Jesus was, and how the differences we have ourselves are actually gifts from God to care for.

The Westwood Kids Choir joins the Grapple Choir and the adult choir in a beautiful piece this Thanksgiving Sunday. All K-5th grade children need to be in attendance in the choir room 108 at 9:15 SHARP! We will sing in worship, move to our gathering room to talk about collecting Target gift cards for EPIC as well as make a commitment of our own to our church’s stewardship campaign. We’ll return to the sanctuary to watch some of our parents become members!! The kids will then sit with their families, and on to our Thanksgiving feast in the Loft. Happy day!

Pastor Diana