11 Aug Joseph and His Brothers
• The families whose children will be attending the lunch need to tell their kids to stay in 203 after we end Sunday school at 11:45. They can be picked up in the same place (second floor) at 1:30.
• Grapplers are welcome to join us if they want to help out with the younger ones and watch a movie. PLEASE JOIN US AT 11:45 IN 203. Otherwise, they need to stay with their parents in Upper Helms.
If your kids are NOT on the list, please pick them up in room 203 right at 11:45am.
Last Sunday, we studied Feeding the 5K. What did your kids think of the barley bread? Nancy Price also gave us a tour of the parable plaques and the windows. What a treat! This Sunday we will be looking at the first part of the bitter story of Joseph and His Brothers, which is a case study in sibling rivalry, anger, bullying, and many other big feelings. Balloon cooperation games will help us understand how important it is to learn to cooperate and face the facts. Next week we will finish the story with another wonderful puppet show at 11:35 by our Jesus Jaguars!
Pastor Diana