25 Oct Leading Like Jesus
Last Sunday, we talked about how to be leaders like Jesus: ones who put others first. After looking at pictures and discussing Thich Nhat Hanh, Florence Nightingale, Bayard Rustin, and Mr. Rogers, we designed and wrote notecards to leaders we admired. One was to our Vice President (which we mailed) and another was to Terry Pratchett, a deceased author who had, according to our student, changed her life. Others featured teachers and grandparents. We are so thankful for leaders everywhere who truly care about others!
Please give a shout out to the Grapple Group for putting on a fabulous Fall Festival for the children!!
This Sunday, we’ll study Blind Bartimaeus and how important hands and voices were in bringing him healing. Be looking for your child’s handprints as we claim the power of our own two hands.
Parents, please mark your calendars and reserve a spot for lunch and possible childcare for our very important learning, sharing, and caring time as we hear from specialists and families who are experiencing neurodivergency. Join us on Sunday, November 3rd (12noon-1:30pm) and please RSVP to [email protected].
Pastor Diana