27 Nov For Your Prayers
Dear Westwood Community,
I really enjoyed being a part of this past Sunday at church–getting to worship together as a whole congregation was a joy. The music was fabulous, and it’s always a gift to have our young people singing in worship. Sharing in baptism and receiving new members was so special. And the lunch was a joy, too! There’s a reason that sharing food has always been a part of Christian tradition; it’s such a beautiful, embodied way to connect. Thank you to everyone who made it happen, and who participated. If you weren’t there, please know that you were missed!
This week is a turning in the calendar–soon even the “wait until December” folks will be ready to receive the holiday decorations that are everywhere. This Sunday, December 1, is the first Sunday of Advent, too.
Dr. Carter and I are both shaping our church worship life around the theme “Words for the Beginning.” which recognizes how Advent sits in this place at the end of our calendar year, and beginning of the annual liturgical cycle of the church. (Happy new year, church!) This theme invites you to hear (again!) words that we hope you will hear over and over, woven into all the ends and beginnings of life.
We have a free Advent devotional to share with you, along with art, poetry, and prayers for this season, written and prepared by A Sanctified Art. Here are some words they use to describe the invitation of this moment:
“We have crafted an Advent series filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season. We imagined the words Mary would speak to her newborn son. What scriptures and stories would she impart to him? What lessons would she teach him as he grew? And so, our weekly themes may feel like the lessons we teach to children, but in reality, these are lessons we continue to learn and relearn as adults. They may sound like the messages we impart to loved ones during special ceremonies or sacred rituals. We intentionally selected scriptures that may be frequently used in weddings, ordination services, or baptisms. And so, we invite you to enter this Advent season as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead.
“As you journey through this season, may you find words for belovedness and hope. May you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning.”
We will have printed copies of the devotional available on Sunday, if you prefer a hard copy. You can also use this link to access the devotional through the season–it works well on computers and on devices, and is easy to access from anywhere. For each week, there are a handful of pages, which you can use daily or all at once–however fits into your (or your family’s) life.
I trust this season will speak important words into this moment, into everything that’s ending and beginning now. May love lead us through!
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly