Westwood Kids

Fall Festival was so sweet for the little ones. Thank you, Grapplers!! We also enjoyed being in the Loft with the whole church and then into story time about Moses and his touch with God. I was amazed at some of the stories of when...

🍁FALL FESTIVAL this Sunday! 10:00 Loft for Children’s Time 10:20 for choir & music experiences 10:30 for story from Exodus 33, guided meditation 10:50 for classroom discussions, write God Poems and make Glory of God tiny tiles 11:20 for the “carnival” in the play yard 11:45 parents pick up kids in...

Are rules important? What about God’s rules? What if we break them? This Sunday, we will continue our story of the Exodus (come see our diorama of Moses’ life!) and talk about the 10 Commandments, using fine art and our own responses to the questions...

What’s it like to eat manna in the wilderness? We don’t know for sure, but we do know that a  dad (Tom Burkhard as a grumpy Israelite) wanted something else! This Sunday, the children will sing and play on the first hymn in the sanctuary and...

What was it like for the Hebrew families to be free of the Egyptians? Last week, we danced “Hava Nagila,” remembering Moses’ sister Miriam. We lamented the death of the Egyptians in the Red Sea - soldiers who were only doing what Pharaoh had commanded...

Our church offers wonderful experiences for our children. The music training is outstanding and the Bible stories and responses bring the ancient words to life. Last Sunday, we ate Charoset and Matzo, remembering the Passover and the escape from Egyptian slavery. This Sunday we’ll tackle...

Look at these huge smiles of delight in Sunday school! We had a big surprise when Pastor Diana broke the bread and dozens of pink and red hearts fell out. Magnificent! Love, love, love everywhere. What a great way to prepare for our taking communion...

"This is me, meditating. I like the wind all around me.” You can see the figure by her left thumb. Last Sunday, we danced our prayers, did a scavenger hunt of the worship guide, and made fascinating pictures of what happens in worship. Come by...

Joseph forgave his brothers, and his brothers forgave Joseph. We told stories of forgiveness in our own lives with our younger classes' puppet shows, and then we got to see the entire story from Genesis with our Jesus Jaguars' puppet ministry. They even portrayed the...