It Hits Different: Being Lost

It Hits Different: Being Lost

Sunday, October 30, 2022
Rev. Molly Vetter



There’s a temptation that we church folk (like others) are susceptible to: believing that we’ve got it figured out. Or, feeling pressured to make it look like we have our act together. Or, thinking that we don’t need help. All of this gets in the way of our receiving one of the great gifts that’s at the heart of Jesus Christ’s Gospel: we are saved. While Christian theologies have often emphasized a moment of salvation–when we received what John Wesley called “justifying grace” or “saving grace”–God’s grace also comes daily, moment by moment. We’re saved again and again, from our fears and insecurities, from the harm we do to ourselves and others, from our thinking it was all about us. This week, we focus on the good news: our God finds us, relentlessly.