Mary & Martha The Dichotomies of Discipleship

Mary & Martha The Dichotomies of Discipleship

Sunday, July 17, 2022
Josh Lopez-Reyes



Di·chot·o·my (/dīˈkädəmē/) – The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “dichotomy” as follows: a difference between two completely opposite ideas or things. How can our lectionary passage at hand help us better understand the dichotomies of Christian discipleship? The story of Mary and Martha can be a hopeful narrative of edification for our discipleship context in the 21st century. A candidate for ordained ministry from our congregation, Josh Lopez-Reyes formerly served on our staff, working with The Loft and Social Justice ministries. In 2021, Josh was accepted into the Doctor of Ministry Program at Wesley Theological Seminary/Cambridge, England track. Josh currently serves in leadership at Echo Park UMC with the Echo Park Immigration Center.