15 Nov Abundant Justice and Love
Dear Westwood Community,
The world needs more justice and love, more love and justice!
Over the last few weeks, I’ve written about some of what Jesus means by “abundant life,” and how Westwood UMC is called to share it with the world. First, by being a vibrant, welcoming community – because the world needs more community. Second, through genuine, joyful acts of compassion – because the world needs more compassion.
This week, as we approach our Thanksgiving Sunday on November 19, our minds turn to the justice and love at the heart of God’s vision for abundance – because the world so urgently needs more justice and more love. This Sunday, as a part of worship, we will be celebrating our commitments to generosity and praying for our pledges of financial support for the next year.
Justice means fairness and equity. It means sharing the gifts of the community with the community as a whole – and accordingly, it means speaking up for those who are left out or left behind. As the philosopher and theologian Cornel West has put it, “Justice is what love looks like in public.”
Westwood UMC has a long history of working on behalf of God’s loving justice. From thoughtful sermons and classes about social issues to marching in the streets together, Westwood UMC has faithfully taken a stand. After all, Jesus came that we might have abundant life – and that “we” includes all of God’s children, not just a few.
God’s justice and love create abundant life. I hope you’ll reflect on ways God has shown this through our congregation so far, and where God might be calling us in the future.
The world needs more community, more compassion, more justice and love – and with your help, Westwood UMC can continue to provide these vital treasures, these signs and sources of abundant life. As each one of us generously gives, we know and trust the God of abundance will make more out of our gifts than we can even imagine. More community. More compassion. More justice. More love.
Finally, be sure to join us this Sunday, when we will have one, combined Westwood UMC worship gathering at 10am in the Sanctuary. We will celebrate and dedicate our commitments in giving, as we celebrate the ways God’s abundance has shaped our community, and through us, with the world.
There are two extra, special ways to practice abundant generosity this Sunday: If you haven’t already sent it in, I encourage you to bring your pledge card this Sunday, or fill it out now, online. We also invite you to make a special gift, beyond your ordinary giving, to our Thanksgiving Offering – this collection will go directly to support people in need in our community, through our Good Samaritan Fund and the Echo Park Immigration Center. We will celebrate these commitments with joy and thanksgiving!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly