18 Dec Christmas Invitation
Dear Westwood Community,
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. Christ’s birth brings new ways of living and loving into our world of uncertainties and injustice. In many ways, pregnant Mary was surrounded by endings—large and small, personal and political. But Mary proclaimed hope in a God who was and is making all things new. In this space, I pray that our Advent worship and themes have offered some of the words we need, that can feel like steady ground as we step forward into the unknown.
This Advent we have been asking you to join us in imagining the words belovedness and hope, like Mary might have spoken to her newborn son. No matter what you are facing, may love be your beginning. I hope you will join us to celebrate Christmas this year.
This art image, created by Lisle Gwynn Garrity, is from the devotional we’ve shared with you this year. It weaves together images from Hebrew scriptures and the Christmas story; the star shape reminds us of a traditional quilt square, here drawing together cosmic elements into a fabric of generous, tender care. It’s a visual song of praise, and a song of resistance. I pray that our shared church life is a source of these gifts: assurance of your belovedness, and empowerment for courageous living.
To that end, I want to be sure to invite you to join us to celebrate Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, we have two worship services:
- 5pm – Family Candlelight Worship in the Sanctuary, featuring our Chancel Choir. Sing carols, hold candlelight, hear a message from Pastor Molly, and experience the beauty of the night. Our prelude, featuring organ, pianos, harp and choir, will start at 4:30. In person and by livestream.
- 11pm – Candlelight Worship with Communion in the Loft, featuring our Loft Band. Experience the holy mystery of Christmas as we celebrate Christ’s birth with music, scripture, prayer, preaching by Dr. Carter, communion, and candlelight.
On Sunday, December 22nd, we have two special worship gatherings:
- 10am – Children’s Christmas Pageant in the Sanctuary – Our Children will share the story of Christmas. Sing beloved carols, hear the story in song and scripture, and a message from Pastor Molly. In person and by livestream; this is the ONE morning worship service for our whole congregation.
- 5pm – Contemplative Christmas Sound Bath, by candlelight in our Sanctuary. This new tradition offers generous, prayerful space; guided prayers will be woven through the healing sound played on crystal bowls. More information about all these opportunities is at www.christmasatwestwood.com. I encourage you to invite friends and neighbors.
Additionally, I invite you to donate to our Christmas Offering. These gifts will be given to support people in need in our community, through our Good Samaritan Fund, 580 Cafe at UCLA, and the Echo Park Immigrant Center. You can contribute through the enclosed envelope, online at www.westwoodumc.org/give, or by bringing a donation to church. There is so much need around us, and it is a joy to be able to embody the love of Christ by showing up in support of neighbors.
This Christmas, may you hear again the good news of God’s grace; may it speak blessing and belovedness into your life. May you also experience the power and capacity that you have to speak compassion, grace and justice into our world.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly