28 Aug Holy Moments
Dear Westwood Family,
Walking from the church parking structure to our front doors today, I was struck by how beautiful the sunlight seemed as it lit the blossoms of the crape myrtle trees. I stepped back, to enjoy the view of our church spire through the blooms. I found myself wondering if it’s normal that they’re blooming in late August–these fresh flowers seem such a lovely blessing on a warm day like today.
I’m relieved to report that a little online searching tells me that not only does this imported tree regularly bloom during these hot summer days, but it’s also a drought-friendly, low-water tree beloved by Southern California gardeners. Now I’m remembering how just last Friday I watched someone take a friend’s photo by a spectacular magenta-colored crape myrtle in a parking lot–it’s outrageous blooms were for sure an Instagram-worthy backdrop.
I suppose I walk by this sort of beauty every day. There’s a lot of it around.
This Sunday, our Sunday Sanctuary gathering begins a new theme for the month, designed to help us tune into the wonder and value of our world. Our Christian theology demands that we care for the earth–and to do something to stop the devastating impact of human activity on our climate and the living things that share our planet. It’s easy to become paralyzed in the face of the significant challenges we face.
Which brings me back to the crape myrtle blooms, shining in the sunlight. I hope that they might give me one more occasion to choose to care. I hope that they can be an example of how all of creation reflects the glory of God. I hope they will be an invitation to renew our commitment to work for new ways of living on this planet, that allow for a flourishing of life for all.
I encourage you to be on the lookout, too: perhaps there’s a spot you will pass during your daily round, where the sun will shine a light on something beautiful. I hope you will pay attention.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly