19 Apr In Memory of a Tree
Dear Westwood Family,
Last month, a beautiful, old, big jacaranda tree on my parsonage lawn fell over. I’m not sure exactly what prompted the fall: it happened just before midnight on a still night. Certainly, the soil underneath was saturated with water from recent rains. The whole, big root ball pulled up from the ground, and the tree fell sideways. Thankfully, no one was injured (though our car did meet its end).
Especially in springtime during those 2 pandemic years when our son and I were both home together most all the time, I got in the habit of attentively watching for first signs of this tree’s marvelous purple flowers. Jacaranda Watch, I called it. I will miss that tree.
My friend, Jerry, saw a social media post that I shared about the tree, and asked if he could have a few logs; he’s a wood turner. I left two logs near his brother’s house, which is near a family cabin of ours, and Jerry was able to claim them. Then, this past week, I got an unexpected package in the mail: a beautiful bowl that Jerry made on his lathe, from a piece of our fallen jacaranda tree. (Normally, you’d need to wait much longer for the wood to dry sufficiently for work like this, but he tried out some work-arounds that made this possible much sooner than I’d known possible. He says it’s a practice among wood turners to make a first bowl like this, as a way of honoring the tree.) Jerry’s bowl is pictured here.
I am so grateful for this gift, which helps me remember a specific tree.
I’ve noticed, too, that it’s made me think at least a little bit more about all the other wood that I touch on a daily basis. I know that it, too, came from specific trees, grown in particular places. I have been grateful for the opportunity to appreciate greater value in everyday things, to think of how deeply they connect our world together (even in mass-production systems that so often are disposable).
This weekend we’ll celebrate Earth Day at the church. We honor the deep connection between our love of God and our care for the planet we inhabit. I pray that you will find ways and occasions to notice and receive the incredible wonder around us. Maybe, even, you have a special tree that you can remember, and enjoy.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly