13 Mar Seventy-seven Times
Greetings Westwood Community,
During Lent, we’ve been on a journey–the Loft has been talking about Pilgrimage, the Sanctuary and our young people have been following Peter’s Wandering Heart, and our children even walked a labyrinth last Sunday. Since a beloved undergrad comparative religion class gave me tools for thinking about sacred journeys, I’ve been grateful to use these metaphors for understanding the movements of life and faith.
Then, I spent time with one of the art pieces that’s hanging in our narthex gallery and outdoor prayer stations. It offered me a new gift: a visual way to think about how these sacred journeys happen in community. I was moved by the words of the artist, which I share here:
“In this mandala, I wanted to follow a person through the process of reproval, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration as Jesus describes in Matthew 18. In the center, a person is standing alone, isolated, with their arms crossed in a closed-off posture. If you’re sinned against, Jesus says to go and “point out the fault when the two of you are alone” (Matthew 18:15). When you move to the second ring of the mandala, there are pairs of people shaking hands, finding common ground, or at least attempting to. If this doesn’t work, then you are to bring more people (one or two more) together to provide counsel and witness. In the third ring of the mandala, two people are engaging with the closed-off person, sharing a way forward. In the next ring hyacinth flowers—which represent sorrow, regret, and forgiveness—stretch, bloom, and grow, bringing beauty into the now open arms of the people in the last ring of the mandala, who are embraced and woven into the community.
“The person from the center goes from being alone and closed-off to embraced and open. When I was drawing the figures from the center out, it began to look like a dance. Is this the picture that grace paints? Forgiveness cannot happen in isolation and certainly neither can reconciliation nor restoration. The movement toward wholeness is the movement toward one another.
“Perhaps craving more tangibility and practicality, Peter asks how many times he should forgive someone who has wronged him, and Jesus says, “Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy seven times” (Matthew 18:22). This piece contains seventy-seven people and flowers to represent the abundance of grace that Jesus calls us into. The gold represents the divine presence of empathy, compassion, grace, and love throughout this dance from isolation toward community, from brokenness toward wholeness, and from guilt and shame toward freedom.”
—Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman
© a sanctified art | sanctifiedart.org
I pray that you experience these gifts–of forgiveness and grace, of community and healing and liberation. May this Lenten journey lead you ever deeper into our shared life with God.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly