07 Dec Three Prayers
Dear Westwood Family,
There are three, interconnecting prayers on my mind, today:
First, a prayer of gratitude for art that has been deepening my prayer practice this season. The collage posted here, made by Liberty Worth of our congregation, is one of several pieces that hangs in our narthex gallery, and on outdoor prayer stations along Wilshire Blvd on our campus. Liberty made these images several years ago, especially for the season of Advent, and is generously sharing them with us now. I love their texture and detail, and the ways they invite us in to the story. These collages are made from what might otherwise be trash; they are a recycling of color and image from magazines and advertisements. I like that such beauty comes out of such an ordinary medium. Together, they are an invitation to look into the world around us, and re-imagine a world of justice and joy.
Second, a prayer for peace. I’ve been sitting with this particular collage, offering continuing prayers for peace in Palestine and Israel. Liberty created this collage of Bethlehem years ago, assembling the ground out of images of war, natural disasters and destruction. This year, the collage speaks with timely, painful poignance. Our Christmas carols sing of “Peace on Earth,” and this year that hope comes as a tearful, pleading prayer. I pray for peace for all God’s children, across the diversities of our religions and cultures. I mourn for each death, and pray desperately for mercy, justice, and peace. May God, indeed, transform our hurting land and devastated communities into a place where peace can be born, today.
Third, a prayer for this season to be meaningful–to take up our power to shape all our Advent and Christmas celebrations around deep, world-changing, transformative practices of hope, love, and joy. Instead of feeling obligation to look happy in photos, what if we reflected on what brings us real joy? What if, instead of being overwhelmed with expectations of gifts to purchase, we choose to do Christmas differently, and give social impact gifts from Scattered for Service? What if we savor worship as a time and space to open our hearts to possibilities more gracious that we can yet imagine?
We have some exciting things planned in the next few weeks–including a Sanctuary Christmas Concert this Sunday afternoon, opportunities to visit Scattered for Service with its impact gifts and fair-trade market this Sunday, a Gospel Choir in the Loft on the 17th, a Longest Night Sound Bath on Tuesday, December 19, and Christmas Eve worship at 10am, 5pm and 11pm. I hope you might choose to invite someone you know to be a part of any or all of these special gatherings.
I’m grateful that we get to be the church, together.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly