Blow Me Over!

On Father’s Day I asked the kids during Children’s Time to describe a good parent. One of our 1st graders said, “Making sure they feel good about themselves.” Watch out, Church, we have a compassionate theologian in the making!

This Sunday is the 3rd week of our 5-Sunday VBS. Things are coming along nicely as we build our tiny City of God. And we’re learning about compassion for ourselves as we studied the story of Elijah wanting to give up. This week we’ll study compassion for our neighbors by seeing the story of The Good Samaritan unfold. The Jesus Jaguars are learning this story through puppet ministry with Ms. Ruth. Very fun, as you can see!

Please don’t forget that you are giving your child a gift when you come each week. But if you’re on vacation, we will miss you and pray for a happy journey.

9:30am in The Sanctuary with the ending at 11:45am in the Courtyard. See you Sunday!

Pastor Diana