What’s Up With Westwood Kids?

Last Sunday, Pastor Molly started our morning with good ideas and prayer for us to help some other kids who have lost their preschool because of the fires. Even though they have another school that has welcomed them in, they need lots of things! Many...

Last Sunday was both happy and sad because we had to say good-bye to Pastor Diana for leading us as our Pastor in learning how to love God and others better every day for the past 5 years. How old were you 5 years ago?...

We played balloon volleyball last Sunday. As you can see, some of the kids were confined to chairs. What a glorious moment when the kids realized that the best way to play was to bat the balloon to them so they got a chance to...

Last Sunday, we talked about how to be leaders like Jesus: ones who put others first. After looking at pictures and discussing Thich Nhat Hanh, Florence Nightingale, Bayard Rustin, and Mr. Rogers, we designed and wrote notecards to leaders we admired. One was to our...

We had so much fun last week trying to see if we could do impossible things, like walking in one direction with eight arms linked backwards in a circle or making a plastic straw go through a potato or building a paper bridge that held...

Thanks to our new music director Hsin-Hua Wang and the Westwood Kid’s Choir last Sunday for singing “We Remember.”  When we remember many things in our daily activities, we also remember Jesus when he said “remember me when you eat this bread and drink this...

We are going to have SO MUCH FUN singing with our new choir director, Ms. Hsin, on Sunday! She creates a joyful space. Children, please be in the front row of the sanctuary at 9:25am sharp! In addition, Dr. Deanna will lead the story of...

This Sunday we will look at the power of leadership, community, and COURAGE when we study the Book of Esther. Who knows? We all may be asked to be courageous “for such a time as this!” We’ll make “Courage Crafters” in the first hour to...

"Lady Wisdom" in the Bible. Who was she? What wise characters do you know in movies, books, and real life? Bobbi Shiflett helped lead a rousing discussion on these various personas for the 1st-3rd grade class, and the pictures each of the classes drew of...

Our schedule has changed and we look forward to seeing you each Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 and ending in the Loft at 11:50. During that first hour we get the theme of the day in the sanctuary and then move to our classrooms where...

"Do this and remember me!” we shouted when the plastic grapes landed in our hands. Our Sunday was full of fun and learning. What is grape juice made of? And what do different grapes taste like? How do we remember Jesus in communion? We also...

Esme Chan, a second grader, made this beautiful elephant to commemorate Noah and the Ark. You can find the rainbow from the story in the hallway to the Wesley Room. Please add your name, as joining in the covenant with God to be in Beloved...

What a Sunday! Our Compassion Camp focused on every living thing needing FOOD! We shook bottles of heavy cream for forever until it turned into delicious butter. We made bread with a biscuit mix in each classroom, and then we feasted on our bounty sitting...

Compassion Camp began in earnest last Sunday with these wonderful shelters we constructed out of cardboard, sticks, clay, and sand. Come see some of them in the basement if you like! Centered on Psalm 104, we learned compassion for all living things that need shelter....

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS THIS SUNDAY!!! We are using a 5-week curriculum that promises to be active and fun and inspirational and community building. We’ve missed those of you on vacation, and we hope hope hope hope to see you back! Many thanks to Dr. Deanna...

Last Sunday, we found out that people are still being sent out to teach, preach and heal others, like Jesus sent his disciples out so long ago. Our guest, Ms Jodie, who lived in Haiti for 30 years, shared with us that she did the...

Last Sunday, we discovered something surprising when we put together a model of Jesus’ synagogue and the upper room where he and his disciples shared their last supper. We noticed that our own church includes some ideas from this story, because we all took a...

We have been curious about the Synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus's hometown, where he learned so much about the Hebrew scriptures. Even as a young boy, Jesus loved learning! When he grew up, he was ready then when God called him to do his life's work to...

How are your tiny mustard seeds? Are they sprouting yet? Ms. Josie told the wonderful story of the parable, and Dr. Deanna helped us see what is possible with growing seeds. Who knows? We may have mustard greens for our salads soon! This Sunday, we’ll look...

What a glorious morning for Promotion Sunday! Two of our rising 4th graders received their Bibles, and they were thrilled. So are we! We said goodbye to the Jesus Jaguars who will be moving on to the Grapplers. This Sunday, we look at the Parable of...