Sundays (9-11am) Courtyard
Join us for a light continental breakfast on the courtyard before worship. Feel free to bring other ready-to-serve dishes to share, potluck style. Simply bring them to the courtyard when you arrive.
In tandem with the Wisdom at Westwood class on the Doctrine of Discovery, we are pleased to offer a new narthex art display of handmade stitcheries that appreciate and reproduce Navajo rug designs. Navajo weavers use techniques passed down through generations, including shearing & cleaning wool, carding, dyeing & hand spinning. Traditional weavers often create the finished rug from a vision they have in their head and rarely from something drawn on paper, so the adventurous spirit, instinct and beauty of Navajo culture shines through to each artwork. The textiles on display are cross-stitch works made by Nancy Price. Read more about each design here.
Sunday, March 23rd-30th (11am) Wesley Room and via Zoom
Join Nancy Price and Mary Garbesi during Lent as they present the history and dehumanizing impact of the Doctrine of Discovery on indigenous people past and present. Our discussion will be based on “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine. On March 23rd, Sarah Augustine will be with us via Zoom to discuss her experience as an Indigenous woman and answer questions raised by our previous weeks of learning. We know you’ll want to hear her presentation and ask your questions. March 30th will be devoted to summarizing and further discussion on the topic.
Saturday, March 22nd at PATH West LA (4th Saturday of Each Month)
We prepare and serve breakfast at PATH West LA (Cotner & Pico) to 30+ male veterans who live at this location. Arriving at 6am, part of the team shops at Smart & Final (directly across the street), and the other team members get things started in the kitchen. Menus is open to change, but often includes scrambled eggs, bacon, some baked bread (biscuits, cornbread), fruit salad, and donuts. Breakfast is served promptly at 7 am. (Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.) Sign up by contacting Everest Harvey at [email protected].
Saturday, March 29th (10:30am-12noon) The Loft
Sunday, March 30th (12noon-1:30pm) The Loft
Prayerful Stitches is an outreach ministry of the church! The ministry provides prayer shawls for members and friends of our community who are struggling, a tangible way for the rest of the community to lay on hands and pray for the recipients, and a community gathering opportunity for the creators as they gather in prayer and fun whilst creating shawls. After the large distribution of shawls this year, we have a lot of work to do to rebuild our stock. Come for some great fellowship, crafting, and light potluck lunch. We can teach you to knit or crochet, and we have yarn, needles, and patterns. Join us at one or both! RSVP to Ellen Evans Agee at [email protected] or Nancy Hill at [email protected].
For all service times, please visit
Starting in April, the next book group will be diving into “The Book of Longings” by Sue Monk Kidd, a feminist reimagining of the New Testament. It follows a fictionalized Galilean scribe named Ana who becomes the wife of Jesus during the lost years, commenting on the silencing of women across history and literature. To sign up, contact Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter at [email protected].
We are going to San Diego with SSP from July 19-25. If you know a teenager who might want to go, reach out to Everest Harvey at [email protected] for more information and next steps!
At Westwood UMC, we strive to create a culture of belonging, and our small groups are one of the primary ways we create that culture. Whether you are longtime member or a recent visitor and whether you worship in The Sanctuary or in The Loft, you are invited and encouraged to join a small group as way to deepen your connection to our community. If you are interested in joining a group, contact Westley Garcia at [email protected].
Culver City Group – 1st and 3rd Sundays
Westwood Group – 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Young Adult Group – 1st Wednesdays
Men’s Group – 3rd Wednesdays
Mom’s Group – Sundays
Queer Group – 2nd and 4th Sundays
Amid unending violence in the Holy Land, we are bold to pray for peace. As people of compassion, we grieve with our siblings, holding prayer for those affected, and those presently in danger. We pray also for peace and compassion in our own nation, amid rising voices of destructive Christian nationalism. We invite you to read statements from our UMC Bishops regarding political extremism and a call for a ceasefire in Gaza. You are also invited to contribute to humanitarian relief efforts through UMCOR, who continue to extend practical compassion throughout the world.
Though our project has been delayed because of staffing needs, we are still committed to moving forward toward installing an upgraded system for livestreaming and recording our worship. We are still grateful to receive additional donations, and invite you to consider a donation.
Tuesdays and Thursdays (12noon) via Facebook Live
We invite you to stop, take a deep breath, and join us for a few moments of centering scripture, reflection and prayer. Led from our beautiful sanctuary, Mid-Day Prayer is live at noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Westwood Church Community Facebook Group. Or, you can pray with us whenever you are able, later in the day. If you’re new to this group, go to and click on the “Join Group” button at the top of the page.
Ever thought about sponsoring the flowers on the altar? It’s a wonderful way to honor or remember a loved one, celebrate a special event or milestone, or just make the Sanctuary space more beautiful! Cost is $85. You can even partner with a friend, committee, or other church group to help defray the cost. For more info or to sign up for a specific Sunday, please contact Sabrina Simmons at 310.474.451 or [email protected].
During this unusual time of pandemic, our Covid-19 Relief Fund has been able to provide needed assistance to fill unmet financial needs for congregation members and others in our community. Moving forward, this fund is now able to provide assistance where needed, not only related to the Covid pandemic. So, we are renaming the fund as our Good Samaritan Fund. We will continue to use it to assist with unforeseen circumstances and needs. To that end, we want to encourage you to donate to the fund as you are able. Every recipient has been deeply appreciative of the assistance we have been able to provide. We invite you to make donations to the church marked “Good Samaritan Fund” so that we can continue to meet needs as they surface. If you find yourself needing assistance during this time, please let us know by reaching out to Pastor Molly Vetter at [email protected] or Rev. Dr. Carter at [email protected]. This invitation extends to your communities as well—if you know of anyone in need, we want to try and relieve that need as much as possible.
We invite you to share updates about yourself with our Westwood UMC community to be included in this weekly church eNews–to keep us connected in this time of physical separation. (Please send updates to [email protected].)
If you would like to be added to our church prayer list, please let us know via this online form. (You can indicate whether you want your name shared here in the e-news or just with our pastors.)