Glory Window Coloring Books

The coloring books of the Glory Window are in! Stained glass windows were used in early times to help people who couldn’t read learn the stories of the faith. We’ll be talking about the window this Sunday when we look at Psalm 139 (“you were fearfully & wonderfully made”) and hear the moving message from the children’s book Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race.

Last Sunday we began memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. They’re doing great, considering the complicated theology as well as the old words used. Since when does “art” mean anything but a noun?? And what about “kingdom”? Or “Father”? And where exactly is “heaven”? Such a rich way to begin theological discussions. In the meantime, as I said in the Children’s Time, it’s a great prayer to pray if you get stuck in an elevator and are waiting for help. May that never happen to you!

Pastor Diana