Jesus Had Big Feelings Like Us!

What Bible story do we know that might explain why the Pool of Siloam gave the man born blind a chance to see? When I asked that question after the Godly Play sacred story time last week, one of our third graders made a deep connection with the Living Waters that Jesus offered to the Samaritan woman that we had studied the week before. Well done, careful listeners. Our theology and biblical backgrounds are growing Sunday by Sunday.

The children made stained glass “windows” to show that the light God shines on us is beautiful, just like the light that Jesus shone on the man born blind. We ended our sacred story time with this prayer, and we encourage you to use it at home. “Dear God, help us to see others like Jesus did: with love & kindness, to see and then to bring healing. Amen.” Thank you, Gabriela Worrel, for being our parent volunteer! Oh, my, did we need your smile, you’re telling us about running a marathon, and your help in getting that pesky masking tape off our “windows”!

This Sunday we will discuss BIG FEELINGS. Do you know that in the story of the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-45) three people wept? And one of them was Jesus. This story helps our younger ones to know that Jesus cares about feelings: our own and others’. And for the older children, we will discuss how this prefigures the resurrection of Jesus, keeping our awe as we learn more about the mysterious healing power that Jesus displayed. We’ll consider the deep theological conundrum about the healing power we may have in the name of Jesus, even if a person doesn’t get better. Your children are learning so much by asking questions and wondering!

Pastor Diana