See you on Resurrection Day!

Big doings this Sunday! See you on Resurrection Day!

9:15am – Children can join Ms. Deanna & me in the narthex to head down a secret way to unbury the Alleluias.
9:25am – Each family grab bags for each child in your family. Keep bags with families, not with children. Choir sits in front row, ready to sing.
9:30am – Worship begins, with our choir singing/playing followed by a children’s time. Then sit with your families and use activity bags.
10:30am – Tea, crafts, bunnies upstairs in Loft and in Helms Hall
11:40am – Grab activity bags if you haven’t already in sanctuary for Loft worship
11:45am – Worship begins. Children are welcome to join Loft volunteers at back of sanctuary for quiet activities or have the kids sit with their families.
Nursery for infants through age 5 will be in rooms 202 and 204.

Pastor Diana