Studying the Labyrinth

Jesus’ asking, “Who do people say that I am?” brought us into trying to figure out who Jesus says that WE are. We looked into mirrors and made self-portraits. We wrote down words that define us. And we sang “Kumbaya” BEAUTIFULLY with the adult choir in the sanctuary and with Julia and the Loft band later. What a moving Sunday. We loved having Deanna’s sister, also a whiz at children’s ministry, come join us during our classroom time, and parent volunteer Christina Lin was a big help.

This Sunday, we will be studying the labyrinth, perhaps even making our own big one and certainly making small ones to take home and use for private meditation. The labyrinth was used during the Crusades when pilgrims journeyed to Jerusalem, the Holy City. Those who had to stay at home walked the labyrinth in solidarity with the pilgrims, offering prayers and petitions on behalf of the world. We do the same today, also in the name of Jesus. It will be a beautiful 4th Sunday in Lent. 💜

Pastor Diana