The Beginning of Eastertide

EASTER DAY at Westwood was wonderful last Sunday, with lots of friends and even a few bunnies! That was only the beginning of a time we like to call EASTERTIDE. We will still be celebrating Eastertide in a lot of thoughtful ways for the next 6 weeks. For example, this coming Sunday we will tell together one of the most important stories ever told! Imagine getting to help tell a story that has EVERYTHING – love, mysterious visitors, love, angels, sadness and happiness, love, hungry and thirsty people, love, sickness and healing, love, adventure and wonder, love, and of course, some mystery. And LOVE. We will be telling this story together, and deciding just what parts, in our opinions, must be shared with other people. The more friends here, the better the story. And, of course, your opinion is truly valued in how to share this story. We sure do hope you can be with us!

Ms. Deanna Edwards
Executive Assistant in Children’s Ministry