26 Feb The Power to Change the World
Dear Westwood Community,
Last Sunday, we celebrated baptisms in the Sanctuary. Baptism Sundays are some of my favorite Sundays. I love that our tradition of infant baptism gives us a courageous claim on grace–it reminds us that our belonging does not depend on our knowledge or action, but comes entirely as a gracious gift of God’s love.
Baptism reminds us that we are beloved, and that so is everyone else.
Baptism also reminds me of the generational community that we stand in as a part of the Church. Stretching all the way back to Jesus, we are a part of legacies of faithfulness. For better and for worse. Somehow, in spite of the many ways church institutions and communities have failed, something powerful persists in and through this lived connection in faith.
Like our open communion table, I treasure the sacraments of the church, for being accessible and outward signs of something that is deep, spiritual, and beautiful. They are free, open to everyone, and they are life-giving.
They remind us that we are not alone, and that we weren’t meant to do it on our own.
However you’re feeling today, I hope you feel some portion of the depth of love that God has for you. Believe that you are beloved, and know that love has the power to change the world.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Note: It has been excited to watch sign-ups and donations for our UMCOR Fire Relief Bucket Build. This is a great time to donate or sign up to bring specific supplies, so that we are ready to make all 150 buckets on March 9th! Then, plan to join us at the church at 12noon on the 9th for the joy of putting it all together, together.