Author: admin

On Father’s Day I asked the kids during Children’s Time to describe a good parent. One of our 1st graders said, “Making sure they feel good about themselves.” Watch out, Church, we have a compassionate theologian in the making! This Sunday is the 3rd week of...

Dear Westwood Church family, While Pastor Molly is away with our youth, she invited me to write the pastoral note this week. Earlier I had made the list below at the behest of my adult children who have me writing each week for Storyworth. I’ve been...

What a Sunday! 4th graders receiving Bibles and a whole lot of promoted kids launching Vacation Bible School. It was a blast! Thank you, parents, for your promoting VBS for your children. We hope they come every Sunday from 9:30-11:45! Next Sunday at Compassion Camp...

Dear Westwood Church family, This week, our regional church gathers for our Annual Conference; our theme this year, "Nourish," responds to the vision we've named together: "Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger." I'm always glad to connect with old friends at Conference, including leaders from churches who helped...

PROMOTION SUNDAY! THE START OF VBS! Inspiring. Fun. Compassionate. Lively. Serene. YOGA! Constructing a tiny cardboard CITY OF GOD! Don’t miss these five Sundays from 9:30-11:45. We’ll be building on each Sunday, so we hope you’ll be there throughout! And this Sunday the 4th graders...

Dear Westwood Church family, This Sunday, in the Church calendar, we begin "Ordinary Time." I've always found the name of this season, which stretches all the way from Trinity Sunday to past Thanksgiving at the first Sunday of Advent, amusing. It amuses me because of the...

Pentecost 2023 was full of fire and wind and excitement! Thank you to Ms. Ruth, for leading the children in sacred dance in the sanctuary - yet another way to embody God’s gift of presence in our lives! Many thanks to Ms. Deanna for her...