Author: admin

Sunday, February 19th Showtime - 12:50pm Landmark Theaters at the Westside Pavilion 10850 West Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 Click here to pre-purchase tickets. After the film, join the conversation on race moderated by Julia Black, Ryan Parker, and Alex Smith at Westside Tavern. For more information, contact Sabrina Simmons at 310.474.4511...

Wednesday, March 1st (7:30pm) The Sanctuary at Westwood UMC Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Sanctuary for special service including the imposition of ashes. No childcare provided....

Starting Thursday, February 9th (10am-12noon) Westwood UMC Join us for a 5 week exploration of Sarah Bessey’s book “Out of Sorts: Making Peace With an Evolving Faith”. Her definition of being out of sorts is “a state of being in one’s heart or mind or body. Often...

Sunday, February 12th (11am) The WUMC Youth Group will be holding a flower and bake sale to benefit the upcoming Sierra Service Project, a week-long summer service trip. Although our youth will be doing some baking of their own, we invite you to drop off...

Sunday, January 22nd The Loft (10am) Follow Up (11:30am) Wesley Room . Jason Micheli is a United Methodist pastor in Alexandria, Virginia, who has earned degrees from the University of Virginia and Princeton Theological Seminary. He writes the Tamed Cynic blog, hosts the Crackers and Grape Juice Podcast, and...