Author: admin

What a Sunday! Our Compassion Camp focused on every living thing needing FOOD! We shook bottles of heavy cream for forever until it turned into delicious butter. We made bread with a biscuit mix in each classroom, and then we feasted on our bounty sitting...

Compassion Camp began in earnest last Sunday with these wonderful shelters we constructed out of cardboard, sticks, clay, and sand. Come see some of them in the basement if you like! Centered on Psalm 104, we learned compassion for all living things that need shelter....

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS THIS SUNDAY!!! We are using a 5-week curriculum that promises to be active and fun and inspirational and community building. We’ve missed those of you on vacation, and we hope hope hope hope to see you back! Many thanks to Dr. Deanna...

Last Sunday, we found out that people are still being sent out to teach, preach and heal others, like Jesus sent his disciples out so long ago. Our guest, Ms Jodie, who lived in Haiti for 30 years, shared with us that she did the...