Sunday Children’s Sunday School for Birth-5th Graders
Westwood Church has a vibrant Sunday morning Children’s Ministry. Integrating biblical stories, music, art, and play, we are able to explore God’s world using multiple teaching approaches. Join our Westwood Kids email by sending a message to Dr. Deanna Edwards at .
Westwood Church has a vibrant Sunday morning Children’s Ministry. Integrating Godly Play curriculum, music, and curriculum written by our own team, we are able to explore God’s world using multiple teaching approaches. Our children have an amazing time developing friendships as they learn. All classes are designed to meet the needs of each age group – yet all children experience the same “lesson” each week. This provides families with an opportunity to discuss what happens on Sunday throughout the week! .
Our facility, classroom design, teachers, games, sports and curriculum connect with children and also connect them to the wider life of the church. Children participate in service projects and special activities that integrate them into the larger congregation and help to fully express our heart as a community. . SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9-9:25am – Sign in your child in the Narthex and enjoy breakfast with other families. Nursery is available throughout the entire morning. . 9:25am – Children gather to go into the Sanctuary for the Children’s Time followed by a musical experience for our youngest ones and children’s choir for K-5th graders. Afterwards, kids experience play time, art making, and snacks – ending with a community-building and friendship-making game. . 10:40am – All children gather for Godly Play, our sacred story time, followed by an art response in each classroom. . 11:45am – Parents, please sign out your children promptly outside Room 206.