The population of LA County is about 9.5 million, and more than 20% live below the poverty line – 73,000 are homeless. Of those seeking food assistance, 25% are children.
Since the fall of 2008, there has been a tremendous increase in demand for food services. The need has risen by more than 50% while the supplies have grown by less than 35%. Westwood has joined the Urban Ministries Committee of the Los Angeles District of the United Methodist Church to support the 15 food pantries in our district by collecting food donations weekly. These pantries distribute nearly 7,000 meals per month.
The Mission Team has provided a reusable Food Bag Ministry sack to each household as a reminder to serve others in our community. Purchase a few extra canned food items (especially meat or single serving pull-tab cans) or other nonperishable items such as cereal, juice, crackers or pasta and place the food in the bins in the narthex each week. Bags are available in the office.