Author: admin

"This is me, meditating. I like the wind all around me.” You can see the figure by her left thumb. Last Sunday, we danced our prayers, did a scavenger hunt of the worship guide, and made fascinating pictures of what happens in worship. Come by...

Dear Westwood Church Family, I was recently asked, “Do you believe in a higher power?” Uh. Yes. But then I had to explain it (somewhat). So this is what I wrote: DO YOU BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER? Yes. I love the second story of creation in the Book...

Joseph forgave his brothers, and his brothers forgave Joseph. We told stories of forgiveness in our own lives with our younger classes' puppet shows, and then we got to see the entire story from Genesis with our Jesus Jaguars' puppet ministry. They even portrayed the...

Dear Westwood Church Family, This past Saturday, many of our Westwood UMC staff members met up for a day of visioning together. In the busyness of our lives and shared ministry, it's a rare and lovely gift to have time to dream together. It helped me notice...

So Joseph’s brothers hated him, but later he forgave them for throwing him in the pit. But did the brothers forgive Joseph for when he was such a young braggart with his long sleeve, colorful coat? We’ll be working on forgiveness this week in Sunday...

Dear Westwood Church Family, On vacation in France this month, we stopped in a beautiful hillside village near the Gorges du Verdon, called Moustiers-Sainte-Marie. Above the winding streets of the village, we walked up worn stairs to visit the 12th century church above; since long before...

PARENTS’ & GRANDPARENT’S LUNCH: • The families whose children will be attending the lunch need to tell their kids to stay in 203 after we end Sunday school at 11:45. They can be picked up in the same place (second floor) at 1:30. • Grapplers are welcome...